Tuesday, October 10, 2006


In response to Stephanie's last two posts, I figure I should come forth with my opinions, as I promised in a comment I left. I'll be brave...let the DHS and CIA come for me.

Everyone hates talking about politics; I know. But sometimes, it's not ok to be a coward. If I censor myself out of fear of my government, then that's a little piece of our freedoms dying, and the only thing that's ever made me the slightest bit proud of being an American is gone.

Here's how I see it: words like democracy, freedom, justice, and terror are simply words that our leaders use to manipulate us. We're really not a free country in many ways. True, it's not Red China, but it's not an open society either. But that's not really the issue I want to talk about as far as politics are concerned.
The thing that I've been dreaming of for a while now is secession. And I don't just mean for Oregon. I mean, we should all secede. This union, while having benefits, mainly detracts from the true wishes of the people and thus of the founding fathers. They wanted to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Well, at that time, "the people" all fit on the east coast. With the massive range of people, beliefs, and needs that the country now comprises, it's impossible for there to really be cohesion.

I've been doing a study on media bias; you know, just for the fun of it. I know, sounds like a blast, eh? Well, one thing that I've learned that I had somehow missed out on before, isthat in the Republican mindset, the government does not exist to handle social issues. That's someone else's job. And that is something that I disagree with. I believe that if the government is created by me, with my best interest in mind, then the government exists to serve the purposes I see fit. Now, it may not be right in everyone's opinion for the government to handle something like healthcare, but in my opinion, I'd like the government to handle that. I figure that as the richest nation in the world, it's a shame if we have people who lack medical coverage, yet we happen to have the money for bombs. The problem is that this country is too big for healthcare to be a real goal for me. Especially when 10 million Texans disagree about even wanting it. In their opinion, the government basically exists to send them money from the north and the west for their roads, and to send their sons into battle. Me? I figure if I give birth, I'd like for the government to not send my kid to war. So there's a disjointment of priorities here.

The union of 50 states exists to benefit places like the south: poor areas that cannot sustain themselves economically. So money from the rest of the country pours into rural areas. (Money which could have gone towards the developed, populous areas' healthcare and public transit initiatives). Rural people, when combined, make up a powerful portion of the vote...just over half, by the looks of the last two elections. And they don't seem to be at all concerned about the government's lies. I don't see any benefit to being in a union of any kind with them, if my priorities are my health, my freedom, the economic and environmental sustainability of my country, and the life of any children I may have in the future: priorities which they don't hold. Further, if we weren't a nation, then radical Islam could have a clearer target for all the hatred and anger. If the nation suddenly dissolved, and Oregon brought its kids home from overseas and Alabama did not, it's pretty clear where all further terrorist attacks should be directed. Why should I be held responsible for the war-mongering of North Carolinians? No. I want healthcare, and I don't think it should be my boss' responsibility to get that for me. I want peace, and I don't want anyone else's unethical actions overseas to bring the rage of their victims down on my head.

I don't advocate any friction between the states economically...indeed, I think inter-state trade should continue unless any state wants to declare war on another. But the sovereign nation of Oregon, or even the sovereign nation of the West Coast would satisfy me. I'm pretty sure that when socialized medicine gets put on the ballot, California and Washington will vote my way. And when preemptive war gets put on the ballot, if Mississippi is so gung-ho about sending their kids off to die, then let them do so. I'll vote to let my boy stay home and live.

I guess it's pretty clear that at heart, I'm an anti-federalist. The federation would be ok if it served the purpose it originally held, which was to loosely govern the states. So the funny thing is, I believe in states' rights...a decidedly Republican notion. I believe in the government not spying on me, and staying out of my business; an original Republican mindset. Maybe if the Republicans could remember what they believe in, we could all get along.

And last but not least...to anyone who argues that domestic spying should be allowed because it exists to protect our freedoms:
"Don't you understand that when you give your rights away, there is no freedom left to die for? Where has my country gone?" -- Justin Sane of Anti-Flag


nate said...

Fight the Power!

Anonymous said...

FYI - the CIA is not authorized for domestic surveillance of anyone excpet foreign nationals in certain cases. It will be the FBI that comes for you instead. The NSA is also supposed to be barred from domestic ops, but we saw where that went...

Republican and Democrat don't mean anything anymore. There are now pseudonyms for conservatives and liberals. The views of government that those political parties were built on have long since fallen by the wayside.

Not that it matters. We live in a bastardized capitalist society anyway. "He who has the gold, makes the rules." We live in a country run by dead presidents. George Washington has been running the show since day one - he just doesn't know it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Can I move to your country!

Christina said...

Silly Jorge, you'll already be in my country! But if you elect me supreme overlord, I promise to ensure your employment in some cushy palace job.

Probably not harem member seeing as how you already have a nice lady of your own. But she can chill in my harem with me.

Steph said...

I agree with you! Did you hear about the lady that was ticketed in Georgia for the anti bush sticker? Thats freedom of speach for you.