Friday, March 24, 2006


I got sent home from work this week because I'm sick. I'm at the tail end of it now, but it rocked me the last few days. I spent most of the week hiding in bed.
Flint and Stephanie are coming down for a visit tomorrow and it should be a blast. I think we'll go to the movies.

on a serious note, what do you guys know about depleted uranium? I'm learning some pretty horrible things here, but it seems that I can't go believing everything I read because the facts are controversial. Having said that, I am disposed to believe the worst. It also seems that the United Nations banned the use of depleted uranium in weaponry quite a few years why are we still using it?


Anonymous said...

uhh...b/c it blows up brown ppl better?

Christina said...

and will make them have flipper babies for the next 4.5 million (or was it billion) years?

Anonymous said...

Well, its halflife is 4.5 billion years.'s basically not radioactive. The problem is that it's a heavy metal that's fairly toxic to humans.

Christina said...

i'm still sick.
and i knew about the chemical toxicity thing. i'm just the dummy who doesn't know enough about "nucular" crap to know that half-life doesn't matter when it comes to chemical toxicity.