Friday, March 31, 2006

sorry dudes

I won't name names, but someone (Nathan) called me "Dexter" because I said I hadn't posted in a while due to lack of something to say.
I suppose he's right. Having nothing to say has never stopped me from posting in the past.
So, what did I do this week? Well, I coughed a lot and blew my nose a lot. At work, at home, on the street, all night: coughing and sneezing. On Sunday, I contracted pink eye somehow on top of the normal hiv that I had. Nathan couldn't even sleep in the same room with me because I have obnoxious coughing and nose-blowing fits all night. The doctor gave me some codeine robitussin to help out, and it kind of helps. I still wake up and have to go take a bit more in order to sleep. But today, my symptoms were pretty minimal, so I think I'm slowly getting better. I hope to avoid a scenario like last year's seven month long bout of asthma.
I had not had time to go buy the new Anti-Flag record which came out last week, so one day on my lunch break, I walked down to the record store and bought it. I got a mad case of stomach cramps for the rest of the day due to eating while walking, and it rained on me on the way back from the store, but it was worth it. It's a good record. It's no Underground Network, but it'll do more than well enough. I've been listening to it nonstop. I need to find a store around here that will order the new Gaskets CD for me, because it's out and I want it badly, but paypal won't work, so I can't order it online.
Next week, the Horrorpops are coming back to Portland, and I'm excited. I will definitely go see them.
Work's been going well. I think it's my favorite job since the record store. Today I took croissants to work to share with my coworkers from the bakery I interned at.
Tomorrow I have a drum lesson for the first time in a long time. I can't honestly say I'm ready, but since my life is settling down from the previous upheaval, I think I'll be able to schedule more time to practice. That sort of thing is easier when you've got a daily routine and don't feel guilty about practicing when there's housework to be done. Don't ask me to explain that thought process. It made sense in my head, and I just don't think anyone should care enough for me to go into it. Long story short, I'm back into practicing, and while I'm really not anywhere near good yet, drums are not an easy instrument. Well, no instrument is easy for me...I'm not naturally inclined. But drums are really fun, and I like to play and improve.
How'd you like that bout of drivel? It's better than not posting, I say. Feel free to disagree.

1 comment:

nate said...

You better clean my kitchen, wench.