Sunday, November 20, 2005

early christmas

my drum kit came! i'm excited. i know i'm a total beginner and i suck at it so far, but i didn't get a drum kit because i thought i'd be good. i got it because it's something i've always wanted to do since i was 11 years old.
it's so much fun so far.


Christina said...


Anonymous said...

Be sure to brush up on the essentials of butt-rock drumming....there's really only one. Learning how to twirl a stick with one hand while keeping the beat with the other, and with tongue fluttering in some sort of sexual gesture that confuses most Germans.

Once you've got that down, it just doesn't matter how well you can play; you'll find a drumming spot somewhere.

Christina said...

you will be happy to know that i caught myself unconsciously doing the butt rock twirl yesterday. my decay has begun