Sunday, October 03, 2004

i wanna be your flight attendant

i forgot to mention the opening act at the femmes show. and i can't let that slide, because they were noteworthy.
let me start by saying that i've never laughed so hard at a concert. ever. in my life.
the band was called the gaskets and you should go to their website at go to the part for downloads and watch their videos. none of them are very clear and they certainly don't convey the true picture at all, but the best one is this one here:
watch that video and multiply the wackiness by 100.
the band is two boys. one plays this keyboard thing that i'm not cool enough to know the name of. the other one sings and, um, i can't really describe it. well, he dances. but that really doesn't cover it. he gyrates, wiggles, shakes and flops all over the stage, and he even includes seductive moves. imagine a combination of zach de la rocha and michael jackson. and that's this kid. i think they're from virginia. their music is actually really tuneful. i don't know how much of it i could listen to if i weren't in a humorous mood, but i recommend them. they are very novel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unless they break out the worm, funky chicken, the sprinkler, and/or the lawn mower it just doesn't fit my style.

Also you need to have Nate clarify 'the beats.' Because as a redneck term it is physical punishment, but us street wise foos like me also know the 'beats' as a sexual term. Example, "That girl is fine, I'd give her the beats."

Another also, I hate to cross weblogs with banter, but Sean, even the Exploder was too ghetto for the ghetto. People would be stealing stuff just to make the Sexplorer look good.

Also I am now living up in Saratoga Springs, NY where I am now realizing I am going to have to get some real winter clothes.
