Tuesday, October 12, 2004

angry, not so young, and not so poor

today i had two fights in my classroom. and both of them involving children i would not expect to fight.
i also found out that the little girl that broke her head open on thursday didn't do it while attempting a cartwheel. she had dropped a ball and ran to get it. she bent over and didn't realize the fire extinguisher was right above her head. she stood up really fast and banged her head on it. so it wasn't my fault at all. she could have done that right in front of me and i wouldn't have been liable.
then my grade chairperson came into my classroom at the end of the day and started hounding me about saturday math seminars again. i don't think i've blogged about this yet. apparently, there are so many seminars every month, and one person from the grade has to go to each one. now, i work saturdays at petsmart, and i DO NOT TEACH MATH at douglass park elementary, so i don't think i should have to go out of my way to go to this. but all the other teachers have gone twice so far (which i don't actually believe, but that's what they say) so she came in today to ask me to do it, and i could tell right off the bat that she wasn't going to let me out of it this time. so i pitched a small fit and agreed very snottily. i cancelled my class this saturday and what that means to me is that i will have an extra week at petsmart that i wouldn't have had otherwise. in short, no day off for another week for me. that will make a grand total of 54 days in a row working with no day off.
it sucks to be me.
good news for today is that i got the phone number of one of my problem children. the really bad girl that's been running my classroom all year. her mother will hopefully make a difference in the way she acts in my class.
after work, i went up to newport news to go with beth to get massages. i got a massage and she got a facial. it was heavenly. hopefully my chest pain won't return, although it was really minor today. too minor to even count.
that's been my day so far. tonight, i shall win the lottery.

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