Thursday, September 16, 2004

today's episode

today's episode was worthy of a post.
i have a bad little girl (actually, a bad obese girl) who got a note home a few days ago. she brought back an excuse instead of a signed note, so i sent home another one. she again came with some BS about her mom not signing it but having seen it. so today, i wrote another note, gave it to her, and told her i would be calling her mother on top of it. she started telling me all about how each of her family members cannot be contacted for various BS reasons. so i called her bluff. i sent a kid to the office with a note asking for this kid's contact info. the note came back with a phone number (the supposedly disconnected one) and, more interestingly, the room number and name of her little sister.
so i told my courier to take the note to the sister. as luck would have it, the little sister happened to be walking past my classroom at the time, so i went out there and told her that there would be candy in it for her if i get back a signed note tomorrow. she probably didn't need the offer of candy, she shouted with glee and gloated at her sister through my classroom door screaming "oooh, you gonna be in trouble!" at which point my bad student stood up and shouted "i'm gonna break your neck! i'm gonna beat your face in!" so i shouted, "i'm gonna give you candy every day!" the sister left and the student shouted something about a perpetrator.
that's my story. i didn't get time to try to call the parent, so i have to remember to do it tomorrow.

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