Monday, September 27, 2004

my students will give me a heart attack

last time i taught, i developed a stress-induced tick in my eye. this time, i've got chest pains. every time the kids piss me off now, my heart starts to hurt. i'm going to go to the doctor the next time nathan has duty. i probably need to get my cholesterol checked or something. maybe my arteries are clogged, or maybe i'm a hypochondriac. or maybe i just need a good massage. i say this because i'm hoping it might just be related to this back pain i've been having lately from sleeping all tense from stress from my 3 jobs.
today, those same two boys got into a fight. one of them tattled on the other one in the cafeteria, and the tattle-ee got up to start something, so i tried to stop him, but he dodged past me, and punched the kid in the head.
rat bastards.
on the positive side, i've started calling parents.
on the negative side, the assistant principal came by today and told me to stop sending kids to the office for slapping someone, because that's something for the teacher to deal with. i almost told her off, but i don't want to get fired before i receive my first paycheck.
yesterday i took max to the beach with kira's dog rohan. it was fun. he's really gotten to be a good dog in his old age. his only real problem is dog aggression


Jorge said...

Any crack babies in your class?

Christina said...

not in my class. i don't have any straight-up tards, that i know of. but i do have one cross-eyed boy that always gets in fights, and then begs me for a note that tells his parents he was good.
i might give him one today, if i have time.

Anonymous said...

WTF is up with your shitass principal? My mom taught elementary for 35 years and any time the kids got pugilistic, they immediately went to the principal's office!


Christina said...

there's no support for teachers at my school. did i mention that i got told by the assistant principal that i shouldn't send kids to the office for slapping each other because that's the sort of offence the teacher deals with? she said that by the time they get sent to her they need to have earned a suspension, at which i almost said that to me, slapping is a suspension-worthy offense, but i kept my mouth shut.

Christina said...

there's no support for teachers at my school. did i mention that i got told by the assistant principal that i shouldn't send kids to the office for slapping each other because that's the sort of offence the teacher deals with? she said that by the time they get sent to her they need to have earned a suspension, at which i almost said that to me, slapping is a suspension-worthy offense, but i kept my mouth shut.