Wednesday, September 15, 2004

mean old teacher lady

i want to know who's naive enough to tell me not to judge those kids.
come teach in my place for a week and talk to me.
in all truth, i do have a lot of empathy (or should i say sympathy?) for these kids' plights. that does not change the way they act. they have the choice every day of how they're going to act. they start fresh every day with me. i don't punish without reason. plus, they get enough free stuff to take care of their basic needs. they are all on free breakfast/lunch programs, so they can't use hunger as an excuse.
do i come off as a jackass, yet? keep reading...
today, i took recess away from my class for the next three weeks (actually two, i took this week away yesterday), made two kids write sentences, sent two letters home, and made my whole homeroom class write an essay about how each one contributed to the class's punishment and how they expect to change their behavior in my class. the essay is to be signed by the parent or guardian.
they're testing me, and i am going to win.
i promise that i do care about these kids. just to show my nice side, tomorrow i will give them a chance to redeem themselves. if they are good during just the two hours they see me, i will give them recess on friday and the rest of the time, as long as they keep up the good behavior. oh, and i let the good ones out of writing the essay.
but seriously...what a bunch of little rats.
today's bonus names are: keonta (kee-ON-tay, male), quonesha, ta'shara (ta-SHARE-uh), travonn (tray-VON), davonte (da-VON-tay) and last but not least, prince. hehe.
by the way, i was wrong about the pronunciation of Ajee. it is actually AH-zhay.
tomorrow, i'm going to ask nathan if we can name our first child quaonishwa. if it's a boy, i'll pronounce it kway-on-EESH-way and if it's a girl i'll pronounce it kway-on-EESH-wah. i can make up names too, you know.
in other news, today i went to go see beth's ultrasound. it was so neat. in fact, i'd call it marvelous. i got to see my first glimpse of little julian alexander. (isn't that a great name? i'm sure i once considered having a kid to name him actuality). jaiden screamed the whole time. i videotaped. i think the woman said he's due in december, but i can't be sure. there was a lot going on.


Anonymous said...

I don't envy you one bit. I could never be a schoolroom teacher no matter how good the kids were. Give 'em the beats.


Jorge said...

Tell them that you taught some famous black dude, maybe a basketball player! Then get like a signed poster, I am sure that will win them over!!!!

Christina said...

on the first day, i told them that my other job is to train rottweilers and dobermans, so if i'm not scared of the dogs, i'm not scared of fourth-graders. it's worked pretty well. in fact, i kept two bad boys in punishment the other day and they kept asking me about dogs, and why i'm not scared, and they would be scared if they were in my place.
i mentioned nothing about jack russell terriers and toy poodles.