Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fun Times in the Pearl

I don't know if many of you know this, but Portland is the home of the batshit crazy. I happen to work in one of the city's swankiest neighborhoods, the Pearl District, so while I'm at work, I get the bare minimum of crazy behavior from the city's crazy people. I get tons of crazy in every other neighborhood in the city, but not so much at work.

Today was one of the rare exceptions. Having skipped breakfast, I got hungry around 9:30 so a co-worker and I got up to visit ye old Whorebucks. On our way there, a crazy lady saw us and started yelling "Take your hands out of your pockets! Take your hands out of your pockets! What's the matter with you!? Get some GLOVES!" We changed our route to avoid her, and resolutely did not take our hands out of our pockets. The FedEx guy saw all this go down and smirked at us as we passed him. Miss Crazy followed us and when she passed him, she latched on to yell at him. "You don't need that truck! Take off those tattoos!" As we kept walking, we heard tons more gems out of her, including "Take that ladder off!" aimed at a passing work truck. We went into Starbucks, watched her scream some more, walked out, and could still hear her up the block. I heard later that she screamed as she passed another person, "Creepy, creepy, creepy!"

Ah, fun times with the crazies.


Mahesh Raj Mohan said...

And to think, only a few short weeks ago, she had been one of our co-workers.

So so sad.

Steph said...

Yay Batshit crazy! I think that with the economy being in the shitter, we just may see more examples of this. Hell, I might partake myself.Except I will have to think of something better to yell...something like "wipe that face off your face bitch" (what movie was that from?) or "pork and beans". I had better start practicing now. Ahh memories. Remember that time we were on the max and that dude stated that he was "Captain James T Kirk of the Starship Enterprise"? Good times.