Sunday, November 26, 2006


My Thanksgiving has gone well, but it's been marred by a slight chest cold. I'm mostly feeling fine, but I wheeze and cough occasionally. My parents are here until Tuesday and we would have gone out and done fun stuff, like go to Astoria, but they won't let me leave the house when I'm sick. (As well it should be). I'm starting to feel as though maybe my mom's right, and the damp Pacific Northwest isn't good for a person with a low immune system like I have (I'll get the consumption like they did in Limerick). Which means that if I want to be healthy, I have to go live in a hot place that would make my husband be constantly sweaty. A place with no public transportation, lack of water, and suburban sprawl. I hate that notion and want to just stop being sick. Doctors say that there's no way to really improve immunity, aside from drinking horrible citrus drinks when you're not sick and exercising. I'm starting to drink the citrus, even though it kills me. But I know it won't be enough. I feel like if doctors are so hampered with the truth and facts that I can't stay well because they say there's no way for me to stay well, then I should consider following some pseudo-science. At least it would be a better placebo than "there's nothing you can do."
I hereby open the floor to suggestions on improving immunity.


Anonymous said...

Alright....So when are the Hersey's coming to California!!!!!

Christina said...

Wouldn't my mom love that!

nate said...

I could beat the germs out of you.

Anonymous said...

I heard if you become a diplomat you become immune to everything!

Christina said...

First person to give me real advice! Kira gets a cookie! I thought about the multivitamin, and I have to decide on an exercise regime that works for me...story of my life. Dehumidifier? Maybe. I think maybe vacuuming more often might help get rid of some pet dander as well.

Oh and Jorge:
Diplomat! Har!

Steph said...

Theres always San Fran? Oh wait! More Hippies!
I agree with the multi vit and excercise, might I also suggest more sex? Its great excercise and oh so fun. Might be low iron also, I suffer from the same thing -cept when I get sick because of lowered immunity I also get cold sores on my face. Yumm...cold sores.

Christina said...

Heh...Steph's great too. Actually, San Francisco is probably my favorite city in the nation and I'd love to go there. But I can't afford it. Who can?