Friday, September 22, 2006

Jackass 2

I have to say that I've never come closer to throwing up at a movie than I did tonight. Despite that, it probably wasn't as funny as the first one. But it was still very, very funny. I screamed in laughter a few times. The opening scene was completely inaudible because everyone in the theater was laughing too hard for the dialogue to be heard. All I'll say is that it involved a penis...and a predator. If you enjoyed the train-wreck that was the first one, go see the second one. But bring a motion sickness bag, cause you might need it.


Anonymous said...

I think i might pass on this one!

Steph said...

I will wait for DVD. I know that it will be funny, just have to wait till the boys not around to watch it. Is it worse than the first, as in more extreme?