Monday, December 26, 2005

2005 in review

i was planning to write my own end of year questionnaire, but i saw this survey on the other christina's blog. it only needed a little modification. i removed questions i didn't feel the need to answer, and i added a few that couldn't be left out. feel free to copy to your blogs, complete with your own answers and new questions.

what did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
-moved to portland, visited colorado and boston, drove through kansas, missouri, indiana, texas, new mexico and arizona.

did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
-i checked last january's blog entries, and found no mention of resolutions. this year, i think i'll resolve to drop some pounds and get some stability.

did anyone close to you give birth?
-yes, beth had handsome julian

what countries did you visit?

what would you like to have in 2006 that you didn't have in 2005?
-stability, health and most of all, personal success.

what was your biggest achievement of the year?
-selling my house

did you suffer any illness or injury?
-i was sick for the first five months of 2005.

whose behavior merited celebration?
-nathan's behavior always merits celebration. well, ok, not always, but he is consistently a superior specimen of humanity and how it should strive to live, not including the times he is being purposefully backward.

what did you get really, really, really excited about?
-about a hundred concerts and one special upcoming one

compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? happier by far. i'm no longer teaching in a bad school.
ii. thinner or fatter? fatter by one size.
iii. richer or poorer? richer

what do you wish you'd done that you didn't do?
-i should have started looking into starting a business once i got here. also, when i quit my job, i should have gone straight to virginia to get my cat. that stupid trip to reno got in the way. i mean i had fun, but should have gotten my cat.

what do you wish you'd done less of?
-working that stupid pointless job this summer/fall. i shouldn't have taken it when i wasn't happy with what i was offered. now i'm back where i started, minus possible missed opportunities

what was your greatest musical discovery?
-brain failure

what were your favorite films of this year?
-walk the line, brokeback mountain, the corpse bride and the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. however, i noticed something when reading through a list of this year's movies: i have not seen a lot of the movies i wanted to see, and i've seen some really horrible movies through no intention of my own. this necessitates the addition of two new questions to this survey:

what were the worst films you saw this year?
-domino, wedding crashers (while it was funny, it wasn't 7.50 worth of funny. i claim fault on this one), constantine, elizabethtown (all my fault)

what were the best films you didn't see this year?
-oliver twist, cinderella man, hotel rwanda, million dollar baby, and we haven't yet seen, but intend to see capote. all got good reviews, or were just movies i wanted to see.

what did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
-27, hung out with an old acquaintance, and got a surprise visit from my husband who had been out of town.

what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
-some stability, or maybe winning the lottery.

what kept you sane?
-what'd you call me? your mom's sane!

who did you miss?
-all the friends i left behind, my parents who have been in greece for months and months, my sister in atlanta, and my brother who's been in japan for a semester

who was the best new person you met?
-my twin nephews, chris and alex

What was the most physically painful moment?
ok, when we were in austin visiting biff, i got in the shower in the morning after he left. i forgot to bring my soap, and he had some shower gel in there, so i put it on my body scrubber. it smelled really nice, and one of the main ingredients was peppermint oil. it was fantastic until i went to wash my "personals". then, it was like hellfire. it couldn't have been worse if you had covered it with rubbing alcohol and then torched it with a flamethrower. peppermint oil is not meant for the females.

What was your most embarrasing moment?
having to move up a pants size.

Best new place visited?
i have a newfound love for the city of boston


Anonymous said...

HAHAH. Dr. Bronner strikes again.

"Our most popular fragrance. The peppermint essential oil tingles the body and clears the mind. Because therapeutically peppermint oil is a mild stimulant, it increases vitality and clarity."

Seriously, it's some goodass hippy shit. A big bottle costs 9 bucks to fill and lasts for 6 months used as both shampoo and soap. I know a guy who brushes his teeth with it....that's a little too far in my opinion.

Oh yeah, and Capote gets four blings: $$$$.

Christina said...

i'm telling you, it was AWESOME. until it hit my nethers...
i love the smell of peppermint oil, and i love the way it feels. you know it's an ingredient in burt's bees lip balm, and that's why that stuff feels so nice and tingly on your lips.
and i wouldn't say i wasn't amused. a fire in the hole is never not amusing even when it's at it's worst.