Monday, January 31, 2005

big news

today was my last day working at the school. i didn't get fired and i didn't quit. well, i sort of got fired, but not by any choice of the administrators. there was this test that i had a deadline to take and what with working 3 jobs, then getting sick and being sick throughout the holidays compounded to the fact that after the beginning of this month there are almost no test dates available, i didn't get to take the test. my kids were so sad, and i hated to do it to them. there were tears of agony involved. i was really surprised by which ones were doing the crying, too. some of the kids i never even had any idea that they liked me at all were bawling. in fact, in the middle of writing this post, i got a call from a kid who missed me. it's so strange. they give you hell all day long and disrespect you, but some of them really don't hate you so much.
it sucks to lose a job, but i guess if i had to lose a job, this was the best possible way for it to happen. plus, now i have the time to handle things around the house that really need to be done. we're about to move and i need to purge all the unnecessary possessions. it's a big task. and there are a lot of things that need repairs around the house. i want to get it into tip-top shape so i can get top dollar for it. we're looking at hopefully being able to get anywhere between 170,000 and 190,000. that's pretty good, seeing as how we bought it two years ago for 110,000.
also, now i get to go to boston on st. patrick's day to see the dropkick murphys. if that doesn't sound like a blast, i don't know what does.


Jorge said...

Wow that is really affordable real estate!

Christina said...


Anonymous said...

so does that mean i don't get to see the haiku?

Christina said...

i'll see what i can do about haiku. it's iffy whether i'll be able to find any.