Tuesday, September 07, 2004

job number 3?

you just may be reading the work of Douglass Park Elementary's new fourth grade Writing teacher. yes, that's right folks, i have been recommended to the portsmouth city public schools department of human resources for employment.
i am very excited.
teaching in the ghettoi, yeah!
honestly, i am excited. it is probably the best possible job i could have gotten outside of virginia beach and chesapeake. i will be responsible for teaching 27 kids reading and teaching 102 kids writing. and not one non-black student among them. not that i don't like black children, but you know, given my previous experience, i would prefer to have at least a few non-black students. although, maybe it will be better this way. in the last class i taught, the few white students felt very picked on and disrespected by the other students, and it was hard to help them out. this way, i don't have to deal with any social differences between students. and i can hopefully deal with the social differences between the students and me. i'm not really worried about that. only a little.
any suggestions as to how to scare them into submission? i know i've got to be extra mean for now, but i need more help than that. this is going to be a tough job (albeit, a good one). i don't know if the dress code will allow me to do anything crazy. i'm not above dying my hair purple or getting any facial piercings that might intimidate them, but i don't think i'm allowed.
also, if you have any used children's books on a 2nd through 6th grade reading level, or used classical music cd's, or know anyone that does, send them my way. i have a feeling that this school is going to be very low on resources, and while my own personal children's book library is pretty well stocked for an adult, it's not large enough.


Anonymous said...

di.fm has a free classical feed on it - scroll all the way to the bottom past the techno.

That would work if you had internet connectivity in the classroom.


Christina said...

thanks biff!
i'll try it when i get my classroom computers up and running.
by the way, do you ever get any of the posts i try to leave on your blog? i try to post, but it never shows up.

Anonymous said...

no, i don't get a thing. but other ppl leave posts.
